About Me

I am fascinated by how people grow towards a more fulfilling, connected, life.  I love to learn and to try to understand as much as possible about life, the universe and everything!  I am a seeker and healer at heart, and my work is based on connecting with others with deep respect.  I particularly enjoy working with people who may be highly sensitive or who feel like outsiders for any reason.  I help people find their innate gifts and their own paths to healing, finding inner power they may not have known they had.  

I started out my academic career pretty poorly as a kid, but my love of learning helped me overcome my learning issues. I went to Pomona College in Claremont, CA (a small liberal arts college) with time at Oxford University.  I was graduated with honors (including Phi Beta Kappa, Cum Laude and Sigma Xi science award).  I majored in psychology with a minor emphasis in literature, but I saved time for storytelling, juggling, and working with children who had been abused. I then received my master’s and doctorate degrees at the University of Colorado at Boulder in a joint program focusing on child clinical and developmental psychology.  I was trained as a researcher and published several articles in the area of child abuse before I decided to focus solely on clinical work.  I completed my internship and postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Colorado Health Science Center, where I completed my studies “with Merit”.  Since then, I taught graduate school courses, worked at mental health centers and in the Child Development Center at The Children’s Hospital and also JFK Center for Autism and Developmental Disabilities.  I am currently in private practice full time with a focus on psychological evaluations.

When I am not at work as a psychologist, I seek out magic wherever it hides!  My love of learning, connecting and creating remains central to who I am.   I write, make music, and create.  I enjoy nature and am nuts about animals.  Reading is a great joy! (Ender's Game and Wrinkle in Time are two of my old favorites, though I read grown up books too!)  

Feel free to contact me to get a sense of who I am and how I work.

3570 E. 12th Ave Suite 205, Denver CO 80206       303.829.9724      drtiffanywind@gmail.com